Sunday, September 9, 2012

In the middle

Michael played this song for me a couple of weeks ago for the first time.  Afterwards, he said that the lyrics make him think about how God has cared for us through the darkness.  To me, the words poignantly describe my sweet husband.  Even now, I cannot listen to it without both thinking of him and crying. 

In the Middle by Jimmy Needham

I remember it was later in December when we got the call
Dead of winter cut deep like a splinter from the weight of it all
When the news came, for me the hardest part of all
Was to see you sitting there so brokenhearted

I'd forgotten how it felt to hit the bottom when you suffer pain
It was like tryin' to run a hundred miles in the pourin' rain
But the truth is not even storms can kill this flame
My promise to you always remains

In the middle of the cold, dark knight
In the middle it'll be all right I will be there, I will be there
And if pain is the ocean you are swimmin' in
If I can't pull you out, I'm divin' in

Never thought I could love anyone the way I loved you
And if it took my life I'd fight to protect you, too
But I was helpless and there was nothing I could do
So I'll just wrap my arms around you and say

I believe that God was there watching over us
I believe He heard our prayers He cried along with us
Even when our hearts are scared He's closer than He seems
And I can hear Him sing

In the middle of the cold, dark night
In the middle it'll be all right I will be there, I will be there
And if pain is the ocean you are swimmin' in
You can rest assured that I'll be divin' in

In the middle of the cold, dark night
In the middle it'll be all right I will be there, I will be there
And if pain is the ocean you are swimmin' in
Like I've done before, I'm divin' in I am divin' I am divin' in

Michael turned 26 this past Wednesday.  When Michael was born, he faced towering medical conditions.  Doctors had doubts about his survival, and projected he would be hospitalized at minimum for months.  Family and friends prayed and believed for this precious life.  Then, after less than one month in care, he was checked by a Dr. Chase.  He/she determined that his persistent fetal circulation and aspiration had resolved itself.  In medical terminology, God used both the amazing doctors on staff and His healing power to heal tiny Michael Tarrant. (We just found all of this out on Friday when some of his records were discovered in a baby book).  

Fast forward 26 years, and this little miracle baby is the man that makes me laugh more than anyone else, loves me like crazy, talks in his sleep and brings glory to God with his real, broken life.  I am so thankful for you baby, so very thankful.


  1. Somehow missed this when you posted. Love it so much. Can't believe how the lyrics of the song fit for you two. My favorite line is -
    And if pain is the ocean you are swimmin' in
    You can rest assured that I'll be divin' in

    That is the closeness between you.
